Android studio apk path is not specified for module
Android studio apk path is not specified for module

android studio apk path is not specified for module

Setup your Flutter Environment Since I'm working on a mac machine, what you need is to install HomeBrew first, then you need to install Flutter Version Manager (FVM) on your machine: brew tap leoafarias/fvm brew install fvm. Flutter Modular Flutter-based project, implementing the multi-module approach.

android studio apk path is not specified for module

If you use App Links, also specify your SHA-256 key. From the root direcctory of your Flutter project, run the following command to install the Dynamic Links plugin: If you're building an Android app, open the Project settings page of the Firebase console and make sure you've specified your SHA-1 signing key. Under the services folder create a new file called dynamic_link_service.dart. Open your pubspec.yaml file and add it as a dependency. To implement dynamic links in Flutter we'll make use of the firebase_dynamic_links package.

  • Lets move onto the actual implementation.
  • Dynamic Island is a new UI experience introduced by apple for iPhone 14 Pro just a few days back. Unlike the authentication method, instead of doing a POST we will be doing a GET here. This method will take the userId as a parameter. We will write a flutter method to call this. Our REST api also has a GET method to get details of a specific user.
  • title: Text("Dynamic Add Image List"), In the project, we are using three images, And making the list of them imgList, so that we pick random picks from the list dynamically and then add images back to the list.
  • In the app's module click on the dependencies tab and add the new module as a dependency. Click the plus button in the top left to add a new module. Right click on a project and choose "Open Module Settings".

    Android studio apk path is not specified for module